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Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi Holds 33rd Edition of FMS Annual Convention

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Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi Holds 33rd Edition of FMS Annual Convention


Lt. General Singh's address was followed by a thought provoking address by Mr. Mahendra Swaroop, Chairman, Smile Interactive Technologies. Mr. Swaroop, an FMS alumnus, spoke of disruption today being the only true stability. He advocated fanning of fires as
opposed to dousing them, as the way ahead. In his words, "Good leaders don't douse fires but blast organizations into smithereens."

Dr. Sunil Abrol, Director General, Consultancy Development Centre, Ministry of Science & Technology, then took over. Dr. Abrol talked about the essential qualities to become a leader. He emphasized the need for a leader to communicate well and keep his people well-informed and, thereby, lead from the front. He alluded to Mayor Guilliani of New York, who, post 9/11 disaster, stayed at the site and kept the people of New York City well informed.

This was followed by a panel discussion presided by Mr. Sreekant Khandekar, Director, Agencyfaqs! During the discussion, Mr. Swaroop referred to a key difference in the leadership required in the army and the corporate world that while at times of peace, the army prepared for war, the corporate world did the opposite, preparing for more peace.

The valedictory address was delivered by Mr. Gurcharan Das, author and consultant. Mr. Das shared several of his insights on leadership with the audience, through various anecdotes. He spoke of a good leader as being one who wanders around not confining himself to the office space. Mr. Das mentioned two universal qualities of the best CEOs he had met world-wide: a fierce will-power and extra-ordinary humility. He said that the best CEOs never talked about themselves, but instead talked about their companies. Mr. Das then went on to talk of the Indian growth story. He talked of the importance of fixing governance in the country, were it to become a superpower. Until governance was fixed, in his view, India would see prosperity, but not happiness.

In all, the 33rd Edition of the FMS Annual Convention was a great success with some of the most influential opinion-makers of our country exhorting the budding leaders of tomorrow to take the country forward in the New Millennium.


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Contributed by -
Mufeed ur Rahman,
Associate Member - Media Relations,
Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi.

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