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IIM Lucknow's Manfest 2009 Launches Flagship Events 'Call for Arms' & 'The Next CEO'

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IIM Lucknow's Manfest 2009 Launches Flagship Events 'Call for Arms' & 'The Next CEO'

IIM Lucknow’s Annual Business Conclave 'Manfest 2009' has announced the launch of its flagship events, Call for Arms - The Battle of B Schools, and The Next CEO - Leader in the Making, along with its first CSR initiative for the year, Prerna - The Social Awards.

As the CAT results come closer, management aspirants are busy weighing their options on prospective B-schools. The B school students, though are preparing for a battle of their own. Manfest 2009’s Call for Arms, in association with the Sahara Group, is aimed at crowning the Best B-school in the country based on a series of challenges set to test the mettle of the country’s brightest students. Says Himanshu Aggarwal, Event Coordinator for CFA, "The major source of information for aspirants aiming to join an MBA are B-school rankings provided by various sources, but more often than not these rankings don’t show the true picture. Call for Arms is designed to test the aptitude, skill and application of students from across B-schools and decide on the Best B-school based on pure merit."

Along with the buzz created by CFA in the B-school fraternity, another event catching the eye-balls is The Next CEO. The event with a whopping first prize of INR 1.5 Lacs is aimed at testing the skills of individuals based on a series of challenging and exciting rounds in a scenario which would depict the real life settings in an organization. Says Abhinav Mathur, Manfest Core Committee Member, "The Next CEO is more than just a managerial competition, it is a simulation of the real world happenings where we try to judge the decision making capabilities of the participants in situations that take place in real life settings."

While the two flagship events with combined prize money of INR 3.5 Lacs are turning quite a few heads, Manfest has also launched its first social initiative for the year, Prerna - The Social Awards. The awards are a means of identifying substantial work being done in the field of CSR and sustainable development. Says Partha Pratim Basumatry, Coordinator Manfest, "There is a lot of work being done at the grass-root level in the field of sustainable development. These awards are meant to felicitate such work and look for a much larger scale implementation of the same."

With Manfest, scheduled from 16th to 18th January, being less than a month away there is much more to come. Next in line is the launch of the entertainment vertical of Manfest 2009.

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Related Links: -
+ Annual International Business Conclave, 'Manfest 2009', to be Held at IIM Lucknow
+ Entrepreneurial Summit 'Nirvaan '09' to be held at IIM Lucknow during Manfest 2009

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