Placement Reports only @ CoolAvenues

Placement 2005

The Maya of B-School Salary

- by Dr. Madhukar Shukla


Page - 4

One simple reason is that they are entirely dependent on the B-schools themselves for any information - and no B-school will share this kind of information (or, at least, will share it accurately). Secondly, to do an accurate survey of hundreds of B-schools requires resources - reporters who can travel to the business schools, talk to recruiter, alumni, etc. - which will make the cost of the "story" prohibitive. In fact, often the survey is outsourced to some other agency.

This often makes the validity of information, on which the survey is based, somewhat questionable (a year or two back, in one of the surveys, the publication also wanted to include "alumni rating" as a dimension. Naturally, it asked the B-schools to get survey forms filled up by a sample of their alumni... Well, the rest can be guessed!!!)

One must also mention that conducting B-school ranking survey, by itself, has emerged as an effective business-model for increasing circulation of any publication (and the huge ad-revenue it generates - virtually, all B-schools issue ads for these special issues).

Correspondingly, there are some 6-7 B-school Surveys, conducted each year by different magazines and newspapers - each uses different methodologies, evaluates the B-schools on different set of criteria, and each claims to be the "most comprehensive and accurate"!!!... Not many people notice this, but even for the same publication, the survey methodology and ranking criteria keep on changing from year to year!!!... It is almost like being ranked on your height one year, and on your weight the next year, making it impossible to compare rankings of a B-school across years, even on the surveys conducted by the same publication.

... An indicative example of the 'objectivity' of survey was the one done by a well-known global marketing agency for a certain well-known business magazine in 2003. On page 46 of that magazine was the description of the methodology. It read:


* Contributed by -
Dr. Madhukar Shukla,
Professor (OB & Strategic Management),
XLRI Jamshedpur.